Thursday, October 17, 2013

Longarm is Breaking Mine!

I am ready to call the place back to return this thing.....I can not get this thing to work. All it does is break thread. I have been on the phone so much it is rooting in my ears. Wish I had got this some place here. I will never buy from a company that is out of state. They have no one to work on them.    What little I have got to do I love it.  Check back later ! I'll let you know when the beast is tame................................................... 


  1. G'day Barbara. What a nuisance, hope you manage to sort the problem out. A good friend recently bought a long arm quilter and she had trouble with thread breakage and she was told to change the thread she was using and or, to buy the best thread she could afford. Not sure if this has any bearing on your problem. All the best. Liz...

    1. I did change thread. I have done everything. I changed bobbins, threads, and needles.....Thank you for that...I didn't think anyone ever read my blog. I just write for my self........Thanks for the reply...................
